

The East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has its genesis in the Leeward Islands Mission which was organized in 1926. At the time this consisted of the territories of the Leeward Islands, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Dominica, the Dutch Islands, the Virgin Islands. Over time a number of adjustments were made as the work grew resulting in what we know today as the East Caribbean Conference. A quick preview of the growth is given below. French Islands organized as a separate mission called the French West Indian Mission in 1929.

Barbados and St. Lucia aligned with the Leeward Islands Conference from the South Caribbean Conference on January 1, 1930. Territory: Barbados to US Virgin Islands. North Caribbean Conference was organized on January 1, 1976, leaving the East Caribbean Conference Territory as Barbados, Dominica, St. Lucia, Grenada, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines aligned with the East Caribbean Conference from the South Caribbean Conference on January 1, 1976. Grenada became an Administrative unit of the East Caribbean Conference, on January 1, 1981. Grenada organized as a Mission – January 19, 1983.


Ours is a conference, whose goal is the furthering of the Advent message in the islands of Barbados and Dominica. Our head office is located on the island of Barbados and from this base, the armies of God go forth. Our present membership stands at over 26, 000 and is growing as men and women hunger for truth. The membership stems from two territories, from 101 congregations, consisting of churches, companies, and groups. We have 4 primary schools and 2 secondary schools. We have dynamic ministries from our pastors, teachers, and other staff workers.

Our Church

Seventh-day Adventists can truly be regarded as a worldwide family of Christian believers as the Adventist presence manifests itself in nearly every country of the globe.The church is served through its administration of 13 world divisions. No matter where you find a Seventh-day Adventist believer, you will find them adhering to the ideals described by the Bible. Their lives will illustrate both faith in God and the church’s commitment to the betterment of all human beings.

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Associate Ministries

The Adventist church has several supporting and independent ministries. Some of these are self-supporting while the local conference approves others.

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Global Mission

These ministries operate on a global scale, extending the mission and values of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to diverse communities and regions. They play a vital role in advancing the church’s commitment to spiritual growth, compassion, and social impact.

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