Pastor Anthony Hall
The Administration of the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is committed to Kingdom-building values and BOLD initiatives during the Quadrennium.
All conference workers and members are called upon to embrace and participate with a renewed commitment to these ideals. Guided by scripture, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will advance the work in our field with a special focus on unsaved and unreached people groups.
At the Conference headquarters, we will foster a Spirit-filled environment through daily prayer and devotion. We encourage the membership to seek further alignment with God’s will through prayer and fasting. Throughout the territory, we encourage prayer revivals during our Sabbath services, midweek prayer meetings, weeks of prayer, and camp meetings.
We encourage the workforce and church leaders to model genuine spirituality.

Executive Secretary
Pastor Terence Haynes
Like the Good Shepherd who left the ninety and nine and went in search of the lost sheep and did not rest until He had found it and returned home to rejoice with others, so too the Secretariat of the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists seeks to account for every member under its care. So that on the return of the Good Shepherd in the clouds of glory, we can all rejoice as we present to Him His precious flock for which He gave His life at Calvary.

Valrica Harrison-Dottin
The Treasury Department handles the day-to-day finances of the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. We have a well-qualified staff who carefully follow and adhere to professional accounting procedures; which are reviewed at regular intervals.
Since donated funds are a sacred trust, our department seeks to promote efficiency, accountability, integrity, responsibility, and trust at all levels of our operations. In carefully managing the funds received for programs and services to the constituency, our goal is to bring honour and glory to the
God we serve.

Communications Department
Pastor Anthony Hall
The multi-faceted role of the Communication Department is to communicate with constituents on behalf of the East Caribbean Conference Administration, communicate with communities throughout the Conference territory about the Seventh-day Adventist Church- either directly or indirectly through local church communication directors- and serve as a resource for pastors, local church leaders, and Conference office departmental directors and support staff. As a church communication leader, your duties and responsibilities are many and varied. Listed below are just a few items to keep in mind. Do not let the number of items alarm you, as many of them do not need to be done simultaneously. To begin, pick the items that you are most comfortable doing from the following list, and add additional items to your schedule as you become better equipped and proficient.
- Watch secular press for opportunities for the church to participate in discussions on matters of current concern.
- Cover church activities for news and announcements of church programs and serve as a source of information about the church for communication media. Take photos or arrange for photo coverage of church activities.
- Discover feature possibilities in the local church and make them available to the press.
- Report special church events to the Conference Communication Director for possible use on the website and/or in the Caribbean Union Conference Gleaner.
- Produce a small church newsletter giving announcements and activities of the church that can be sent to former members as well as to present unreached people groups while seeking to retain those whom we’ve gained and reclaim those who are inactive or missing..
Religious Liberty
To disseminate the principles of religious liberty throughout the world.
To defend and safeguard the civil right of all people to worship, to adopt a religion or belief of their choice, to manifest their religious convictions in observance, promulgation, and teaching, subject only to the respect for the equivalent rights of others.
To support the right of religious organizations to operate freely in every country by their establishing and owning charitable or educational institutions.
To organize local, national, and regional chapters, as well as seminars and congresses.

Education Department
Sis. Andrea Hudson-Hoyte
The aim of Adventist education is to help students encounter Christ and through the process enable them to experience the transformational power, thus reflecting His image in their lives. An education of this kind imparts far more than academic knowledge. It fosters a balanced development of the whole person – spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social-emotional- a process that spans a lifetime.
Working together, the homes, schools, and churches of the East Caribbean Conference cooperate with divine agencies to prepare learners to be good citizens in this world and for eternity.
We adhere to God’s command, and that is our reason for establishing the only choice for God’s children, Seventh-day Adventist Christian Education, that is just what the Master requires.
Our aim is to Nurture, Educate, and Challenge God’s children.
If you are looking for a safe haven for your elementary or secondary child, please contact us at 1-246-417-6760 ext. 221.
Children and Adolescents’ Ministries
The Children and Adolescents’ Ministries Department seeks to lead children and adolescents into a saving, serving, and loving relationship with Jesus and to encourage and help them to use their time, treasure, gifts, and talents to share the love and message of Jesus with others.

Family Ministries
Pastor Victor Marshall
Our mission is to equip and strengthen families by providing resources, training, support, and counseling that enhance families within the last Caribbean Conference.
As a conference, we want to insist our local church leaders in providing programs that will enhance the nurtural and parental skills of parents, relationship skills for couples, and create a safe and open platform for our children to grow spiritually.
Our Vision Statement: Healthy families for time and eternity.
Men’s Ministries
To develop programs to engage men to be effective leaders, spiritually focused, and mentor younger male members.
Facilitate and encourage meaningful spiritual, mental, and emotional growth among the men of the East Caribbean Conference.

Health Ministry
Sis. Priscilla Prevost
Our mission
The mission of the East Caribbean Conference Health Ministries department is to share hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ.
By promoting whole-person health principles we demonstrate the love of God, whose desire is “that all is well with you and that you enjoy good health in the same way that you prosper spiritually” (3 John 2, CEB). By linking biblical spirituality with practical health principles, we help each other find healing for our afflictions and hope for our future. Health Ministry is the gospel of Christ illustrated; the message of God practiced. Without it, the gospel witness is muted; it is merely a theory, an idea.
By connecting, we can be more effective in promoting the health, healing, and wholeness of the community. We can bring healing to individuals in our own churches, our schools, and our homes. Together, we can fulfill God’s plan to restore hope in Christ to a world that is hurting in body, mind, and soul.

Ministerial Department
Pastor Maurice Morancie
The Ministerial Department exists to enable, ennoble, and enhance Pastors of the East Caribbean Conference to perform their ministerial duties with proficiency and efficiency; and to enjoy healthy and wholesome experiences in their personal, professional and family relationships.
The East Caribbean Conference Health and Safety Guidelines for Churches
The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that we are living in prophetic times. End-time events will change the landscape and context within which we worship and minister, however, worship is not an event, activity, or program. Worship is a lifestyle, the product of a relationship with Christ, as we have experienced, Church can continue without walls.
During this period, we see that God has been using the gifts of those who would allow themselves to be used by Him to minister and share the everlasting gospel. Jesus had told us that… “the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father.”
Worship is what comes from the relationship we have with the Son, and our willingness to be used by the Holy Spirit. The guidelines provided in this document are not intended to limit or stifle worship expressions, but instead, are intended to establish a system that provides safety for our members.

Sabbath School
Pastor Colin Thorne

Personal Ministries & Possibility Ministries
Pastor Dale Haynes
The purpose of the Personal Ministries Department is to make disciples through caring relationships that inspire, motivate, equip, mobilize, and unite laity and pastors in reaching the community and the world with the Everlasting Gospel.
Leading people in a lifetime commitment to Christ that prepares them for dynamic Christian service.
- Enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God Distribution of literature
- Giving personal bible studies
- Utilize all social media platforms for the proclamation of the gospel Lay preaching
- Organizing the annual ingathering program
- Each One Reach One School of Evangelism
- Cooperating with the Sabbath School Department in organizing and running the Sabbath School Action Unit
- Cooperating with the local church pastor in the organization and management of Small Group Ministries
- Training of Bible Workers
- Community Project Initiatives
- Establish youth evangelism
- Support Prison Ministry
- Promote and Conduct lay evangelistic meetings
- Revitalize evangelism in existing churches
- Reach Message and ingathering goals
- Discipleship training in all churches
- Establish virtual bible studies
- Revive Prison Ministries
Growing in Leadership:
To create a culture of multiplication through discipleship:
- Reiterate the biblical command to make disciples
- Increase the number of disciples giving Bible Studies by 15%
- Facilitate the distribution of Bible Study Lessons
Core Values:
- Trust-Authenticity/Transparency
- Psychological Safety
- Diversity-Inclusion Equity
- Collaboration/Laity and Pastors
- Community-Where people are Heard, Seen, and Valued
The major goal of the East Caribbean Conference Personal Ministries Department is to train, equip and involve the laity in the united effort of finishing the work of God in this part of the vineyard.

Prayer Ministry
Sis. Verna Francis
Every earnest petition for grace and strength will be answered… Ask God to do for you those things that you cannot do for yourselves. Tell Jesus everything. Lay open before Him the secrets of your heart; for His eye searches the inmost recesses of the soul,and he reads your thoughts as an open book. When you have asked for the things that are necessary for your soul’s good, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. Accept His gifts with your whole heart; for Jesus has died that you might have the precious things of heaven as your own, and at last find a home with heavenly angels in the kingdom of God. If [we] will find voice and time to pray, God will find time and voice to answer. (My Life Today, 16)
This year the East Caribbean Conference Prayer Ministries department would like to invite every prayer warrior, intercessor, medical missionary, teacher, preacher, and evangelist to join with the world church as we pray for revival and reformation in our lives personally and corporately leading to the latter rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Let us, with contrite hearts, pray most earnestly that now, in the time of the latter rain, the showers of grace may fall upon us. At every meeting we attend our prayers should ascend, that at this very time God will impart warmth and moisture to our souls. As we seek God for the Holy Spirit, it will work in us meekness, humbleness of mind, and a conscious dependence upon God for the perfecting latter rain. If we pray for the blessing in faith, we shall receive it as God has promised. (Testimonies to Ministers 508.2)
Beloved, without the latter rain, we cannot finish the work.
Women’s Ministries and Gems
The Women’s Ministries Department’s principal goal is that of uplifting Christ in the church and in the world. But specifically, we are called to, elevate women as persons of inestimable worth because they have been created and redeemed. The Women’s Ministries Department of East Caribbean Conference seeks to do this through nurturing, empowering, and supporting our women and GEMS our (Girls of Excellence and Moral Standing)

Stewardship Ministry
Pastor Rawl Jackman
Here in East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the Stewardship Ministry Department is endeavouring by God’s grace to educate, inspire, and motivate the entire constituency to become and remain faithful stewards of God.

Adventist Youth Ministries
Pastor Miguel Denny
The Adventist Youth Ministries Department caters to youth from ages 4 to 30+ in the hopes of equipping them to love Jesus, accept His salvation, become His disciples, and be actively engaged in service to humanity. The department seeks to accomplish these goals within the local church through the following ministries:
- Adventurer- caters to children ages 4-9 by fostering fun ways for them to love God, themselves, their family, and their world.
- Pathfinder- caters to children ages 10-15 by enabling youth to develop in spiritual growth, physical development, social environment, community outreach, church organisation, and an appreciation for nature and outdoor living.
- Senior Youth- caters (primarily) to Adventist youth 16 and above through preparing disciples who love Jesus and are engaged in mission, as well as equipping youth for leadership of junior youth (Master Guide) or senior youth (Senior Youth Leadership).
All ministries seek to live by the aim, “The Advent message to all the world in my generation.”
Public Campus Ministries
Public Campus Ministries seeks to see youth within our public educational institutions grounded in the mission of Jesus Christ and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as ministering to their fellow campus students, inviting them to a saving relationship with Jesus. This ministry also supports Adventist professors and others who work at public campuses. To facilitate this ministry, our churches function as the home of our youth in these institutions, and thus, the home of Public Campus Ministries.

Publishing Ministry
Pastor Roosevelt Haynes
Here in East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the Stewardship Ministry Department is endeavouring by God’s grace to educate, inspire, and motivate the entire constituency to become and remain faithful stewards of God.
The publishing ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a sacred calling, whether writing, publishing, or circulating the material that has been printed.
Our publishing work was established by the direction of God and under His special supervision. It was designed to accomplish a specific purpose. Seventh-day Adventists have been chosen by God as a peculiar people, separate from the world…. The greatest wealth of truth ever entrusted to mortals, the most solemn and fearful warnings ever sent by God to man, have been committed to them to be given to the world; and in the accomplishment of this work our publishing houses are among the most effective agencies.”-Testimonies for the Church, Vol.7, p.138.